Claims policy

Complaints from authors will be accepted as long as they are well-founded. These complaints will be addressed to the best of our ability, following the journal’s internal guidelines. Under no circumstances will the complaint resolution process involve revealing the identity of the reviewers.

Any claim related to the evaluation process will be addressed provided that the author identifies potential errors in the review conducted. The competence of the reviewer will not be questioned at any time. Complaints should be directed to the editor, along with the respective arguments and evidence to consider the case. If necessary, support from the Editorial Team or one of its members who is an expert in the subject of the article in question will be sought. A response to the complaint will be provided within a period of up to three months.

If a plagiarism allegation is received after the publication of an article in the journal, and this is confirmed by the Editorial Team, the manuscript will be removed from the published issue’s website and all repositories and databases where the mentioned plagiarized text appears.